Pagoda Tree Plants at BCA

The following species and varieties are currently represented in our collections. To include taxa that are no longer present, go to this other list.

  • Sophora davidii

    David's Mountian-Laurel, Shrub Pagoda Tree
    • Sophora davidii // David's Mountian-Laurel, Shrub Pagoda Tree ("straight species")
  • Styphnolobium japonicum

    Pagodatree, Scholar-tree
    A medium-large deciduous shade tree with green twigs, white, late-summer flowers, and interesting bean-like fruits in the fall.
    • Styphnolobium japonicum 'Boone Gardiner's Weeping' // Weeping Scholar Tree (improved from pendula)
    • Styphnolobium japonicum 'Princeton Cascade' // Princeton Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree
    • Styphnolobium japonicum 'Princeton Upright' // Princeton Upright Japanese Pagodatree, Scholar-tree