Salix x matsudana

Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA

The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.

  • Salix x matsudana 'Scarcuzam' // Scarlet CurlsĀ® Corkscrew Willow; Hankow Willow; Peking Willow
    Tree. Grows to 30' tall and 15-20' wide, branches and leaves are contorted. Fast growth rate, 3-6' per year. Short lived maturity in 25 years. Flowers in catkins, 1" long, not visually significant. Fruits are strobiles, 1" long. Bark is initially yellowish and smooth, becoming brown, rough and fissured with age. Leaves are lance-shaped, curled and twisted Fall coloring includes yellowish-green leaves and scarlet colored young stems. Grow in medium to wet soils, in full sun. Easily propagated. Prune as needed in late winter. Zones 5-8. Susceptible to cankers, and many diseases and insects including bacterial twig blight, Black and Cytospora cankers, many insects. Leaf spots and powdery mildew.