Membership in Friends of Boone County Arboretum



Join Friends of Boone County Arboretum

Thank you for your interest in joining our organization!

All levels not designated as "lifetime" are annual memberships, and are based on a calendar year beginning January 1 through December 31. Memberships started after September 1 will be valid through the end of the following year.

Before completing this form, please review our "Levels & Benefits" document: (includes a full description of all levels on page 1, available discounts on page 2, and a policy reminder on page 3).

Membership Level *
All transactions are final and not refundable.
Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Membership Profile
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address

We might need just a bit more information to process your application. For Family memberships, please list the names of your spouse and minor child(ren).

Joint & Family Membership Details
  • If there is an "I'm not a robot" box below, check it and complete the quick puzzle if it asks. This helps prevent spam robots from filling out false donations.
  • Then click the "Confirm Contribution" button to review and submit.