Arboretum Blog

Welcome to the Boone County Arboretum Blog! Here, we share videos and stories about the Arboretum on Wheels program adventures, special plants in our collection, events, conferences and field trip destinations, or even just general information we'd like to pass along to our visitors.

The blog is a new feature to our website as of summer 2020, and we hope to be able to provide fresh content on a regular pace moving forward. You are currently viewing all blog posts, but can narrow down the list by category: Arboretum On Wheels, Plant Info, Story Time, or General Topics.



Fall Webworm

2020-07-28 --- Noticing webbing in your trees? It is probably fall webworm. Learn more about this pest of landscape trees and shrubs, here on today’s video.


Pollinator Plants Through the Arboretum on Wheels

2020-07-18 --- An assortment of "pollinator plants" available through the Arboretum on Wheels public events. These plants provide food and habitat for butterflies, honeybees and many other important pollinators, so we are happy to help spread them throughout our community.


Story Time: "Picture A Tree"

2020-07-16 --- Arboretum On Wheels educator Sam reads the short story, "Picture a Tree," as part of our children's Story Time series.


Rain Gardens

2020-07-06 --- Installing a rain garden is a simple way property owners can help save our streams, rivers and wastewater systems from the strain of heavy rain events. They also help filter out the fertilizers and pollutants from landscapes and streets, before the rainwater runoff enters the larger ecosystem and our drinking water sources.


Plant Profile - Blue-Stem Willow (Salix irrorata)

2020-06-18 --- We highlight the blue-stem willow (Salix irrorata) describing its appearance, care, and landscape use in our local climate.


Plant Your Own Sunflower

2020-06-15 --- The Arboretum On Wheels made a series of grab-and-go educational craft kits for kids, this "how-to" instructional video goes along with the Sunflower kit.