Friends of Boone County Arboretum established the yearly "Growing Forward" campaign in 2016 to highlight specific needs of the organization or the Arboretum itself, and to provide a way for the surrounding community to help address them.

Growing Forward 2025: A Garden For All Children
This year’s Growing Forward Campaign will begin the funding stage of a major redesign and expansion of the Children's Garden at the Arboretum.
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"How can accommodating curiosity in garden design foster learning and play for children with disabilities?" -- Trinity Tobe
For her Senior Capstone Project at the University of Cincinnati, former Arboretum Intern Trinity Tobe reimagined our 20-year-old Children's Garden to include design elements to engage all 8 senses: Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, Tactile, Vestibular, Proprioceptive and Interconception, providing a unique play experience.

Her design incorporates structural elements and an array of non-toxic plants that together will offer visual interest through all four seasons. The included sensory spaces provide a calming experience for those experiencing hyper-sensitivity or varying perceptions of sights, smells, sounds, and touch, helping improve body awareness, balance and socialization. Elements such as water, plant life, sand, and loose parts, provide ample opportunities for play based learning. It is as accessible as possible for various levels of mobility, and provides options for community-based therapy.
See Trinity's work: Full Research Report --- Project Posters
Your support is crucial for this project!
During this complete redesign of the Children's Garden, it is important to focus on creating a welcoming environment inclusive to all abilities, allowing all children who visit --all ages and abilities-- to have interactive family time, increased community engagement, increased self-esteem and boost of confidence, through this unique venue for sensory play!
After all, it was the focus on sensory inclusivity that set Trinity's final project proposal and presentation above all other horticulture capstones, resulting in it being awarded "Director's Choice", an honor bestowed on only a handful out of hundreds of projects across the entire U.C. College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning senior class.

Accomplishing this vision will require a complete tear-down and rebuild, and more than doubling the garden's footprint compared to its current outline and size. We've taken Trinity's initial design to professional landscape architects and project managers for developing bid specs and a cost estimate. From sourcing the hardscape materials and plants, to the contract labor and staffing costs associated with managing and maintaining the project and garden, its estimated all-in price is $300K.
Your contribution will help us provide a lasting benefit for our community, where everyone matters, where everyone is invited, and where everyone can learn through play! All gifts of any size will be appreciated not only by the board, volunteers and staff, but by the entire community as we bring this Children's Garden total makeover from a dream to reality.
Make a pledge or gift here on our website, or mail a check to us.
Thank you for your generosity!

We know you have charitable choices to make with so many wonderful nonprofits in our region. We hope that you will consider a generous donation to the Arboretum as we continue to "Grow Forward!" into 2025. Remember, since Friends of Boone County Arboretum is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, contributions to the Growing Forward campaign may be tax-deductible depending on your personal financial situation (consult your tax preparer for guidance). Be assured your gift will be greatly appreciated and carefully used.
The staff and volunteers of Boone County Arboretum, along with Board Members and volunteers of Friends of BCA, all join together to thank you for your continued generous partnership and support, and we extend to you our best wishes for 2025.
Previous Campaign Years
You can see descriptions of previous "Growing Forward" campaign projects here.