Looking to add something new to your landscape? The Boone County Arboretum Plant Sale happens each year in mid-September, providing unbeatable deals on perennials, annuals, trees, shrubs and more, with many plant nurseries participating. Proceeds from every purchase at this event go to Friends of Boone County Arboretum, a non-profit organization in support of the Arboretum itself.

Saturday, September 21, 2024
The fall 2024 plant sale will again be hosted at Ammon Nursery, with many other nurseries bringing and selling plants selected from their own inventory. Join us 9am to 2pm, for the largest selection of plants you'll ever find in one location. Educational booths, food, craft beer and ice cream are also available.
Please, for your safety, NO EARLY ARRIVALS before 9am! The vendors have large vehicles needing ample space to deliver inventory and move to their final parking area before customers begin crowding the aisles!
Pro tip: for easier transport of plants, feel free to bring your own wagon or cart. (Bigger wheels are better - the walking surface through most of the nursery is gravel.)
Ammon Nursery
6089 Camp Ernst Rd
Burlington, KY 41005
Only Members Get Early Access On Friday!
Members of Friends of Boone County Arboretum will be granted early access, 5:00--7:00 pm on Friday, September 20 (the evening before the public sale). Vendor participation in this early access sale is optional; some vendors might not be present. Please, no early arrivals, we need time after Ammon's closes for the day to set up our own stuff before you arrive!
PLEASE complete any new membership purchases by noon on Thursday, September 19, for entry into this members-only timeframe.
Participating Vendors & Exhibitors:
PLANT SALES: Ammon Nursery, Bayer Farms, B.C. Nursery, Blue Skies Bouquets, Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Dendrological Sales, Friends of Boone County Arboretum, Gro-4u, Lagergren Nursery, Native Roots Plant Market, Our Land Organics, Perrydise Farms, Riverfarm Nursery
EDUCATIONAL BOOTHS: Arboretum on Wheels, Bartlett Tree Experts, Boone County Conservation District, Boone County Cooperative Extension Service, Northern Kentucky Urban and Community Forestry Council, Ohio Asian Longhorned Beetle Cooperative Eradication Program, Sanitation District #1, Spring Meadow Nursery & Proven Winners, Taking Root
FOOD & DRINK: Darkness Brewing, Friends of BCA Bake Sale, KP Sweets and Eats
Interested In Helping Us Run This Event?
Click on a link below to sign up for one or more of the volunteer opportunities:
- Assisting with Fall Plant Sale (and Bake Sale) - volunteers needed for various tasks during the sale on Friday Sept. 20 and Saturday Sept. 21.
- Baking for the Bake Sale Booth - quality homemade baked goods are needed for our bake sale booth at the Fall Plant Sale. Advance coordination required, ready-to-sell packaged items due to us early morning Sept. 21.
Plant Availability Lists:
As each of the individual nurseries send us notice of what they intend to bring, we will post their list here, in the order we received them; check back regularly for updates to this list. Inclusion here is not a guarantee the plant will be brought, nor that it will still be available at the time you arrive to a given booth the day of the sale. Also be sure to check out our Facebook Event Discussion Page, as several of the vendors are posting pictures of their plants.
=Ammon Nursery=
As the location for this amazing sale, the entirety of Ammon Nursery's inventory will be available. Browse through their catalog on their website: https://ammonplants.com/catalog/
= Lagergren Nursery =
- Allium 'Millenium'
- Amonsonia 'Blue Ice'
- Aralia 'Sun King'
- Aruncus 'Chantilly Lace'
- Baptisia 'Purple Smoke'
- Caryopteris
- Chelone 'Hot Lips'
- Coreopsis 'Zagreb', 'Crazy Cayenne'
- Crape Myrtle 'Center Stage Red', 'Center Stage Coral'
- Daisy Montauk, 5 gallon
- Echinicea 'Pow Wow Wild Berry'
- Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
- Fern 'Ghost', Autumn Fern
- Geranium 'Rozanne'
- Grasses (assorted) Pennisetum 'Desert Plains', Panicum 'Apache Rose'
- Heuchera 'Caramel', 'Lemon Love', 'Plum Pudding'
- Hibiscus 'Spinderella' and 'Evening Rose'
- Hostas, assorted
- Liriope, varigated and spicata
- Monarda 'Jacob Cline' and 'Coral Reef'
- Mum 'Hillside Sheffield Pink'
- Nepeta 'Cat's Meow'
- Peony 'Felix Crousse'
- Penstemon 'Dark Towers'
- Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush'
- Salvia 'Violet Profusion'
- Sedums 'Carl', kamtschaticum
- Stachys 'Hummelo'
- Stokesia 'Honeysong Purple'
- Tansy
- Aronia 'Low Scape Mound'
- Buddleia 'Queen of Hearts', 'Miss Molly'
- Callicarpa 'Pearl Glam'
- Carolina Buckthorn
- Cephalotaxus 'Duke Garden' 5 gallon
- Chamaecyparis 'Saybrook Gold'
- Dogwood Red Twig, Cornelian Cherry 'Golden Glory'
- Fothergilla 'Legend of the Small'
- Heptacodium 'Temple of Bloom'
- Hibiscus 'Little Kim Red'
- Holly 'China Girl'
- Hydrangea 'Incrediball, 'Invincibelle Sublime', 'Little Quick Fire', 'Ruby Slippers'
- Itea 'Fizzy Mizzy'
- Juniper 'Grey Owl'
- Kerria, japanese
- Lonicera, golden
- Magnolia 'Leonard Messel', Bigleaf, 'Sweetbay'
- Poncirus (Hardy Orange)
- Rose Petite Red Knockout
- Thujopsis, 'Hondai'
- Viburnum 'Allegheny', 'Brandywine', 'Glitter & Glows','Pragense'
- Apple 'Golden Delicious', 'Fuji'
- Bald Cypress
- Black Gum 'Green Gables'
- Crabapple 'Weeping Tina'
- Dogwood 'Milkyway' (kousa)
- Gingko
- Japanese Scholar Tree, weeping form
- Juniper 'Star Power', Virginiana Glauca
- Magnolia 'Butterflies'
- Mimosa 'Ernest Wilson'
- Oak 'Bur' 5 gallon
- Paw Paw, 3-5 gallon
- Redbud Eastern, 'Midnight Express'
Lagergren Nursery Website: http://www.lagergrennursery.net
= Riverfarm Nursery =
- Acer pseudosieboldianum
- Acer truncatum
- Carpinus x ‘Skylark’
- Cercidiphyllum Claim Jumper
- Cercidiphyllum japonicum
- Cercis Ace of Hearts
- Cercis Alley Cat
- Cercis Carolina Sweetheart
- Cercis Golden Falls
- Cercis Hearts A’ Fire
- Cercis Midnight Express
- Cercis Ruby Falls
- Cercis Zig Zag
- Cornus alternifolia
- Cornus Appalachian Snow
- Cornus Constellation
- Cornus Greensleeves
- Cornus Scarlet Fire
- Ginkgo Autumn Gold
- Ginkgo Goldspire
- Magnolia Green Mile
- Magnolia Judy Zuk
- Magnolia Judy Zuk
- Magnolia Leonard Messel
- Magnolia tripetala
- Malus Ivory Spear
- Metasequoia Amber Glow
- Nyssa Forum
- Nyssa Nitro
- Styrax Evening Light
- Styrax Nightfall
Riverfarm website: https://riverfarm.com
= Perrydise Farms =
Perrydise Farms has been actively posting pictures of their plants on our Facebook Event Page Discussion Tab. Be sure to check them out!
- Achellia Variety
- Agastache 'Blue Boa'
- Ajuga 'Black Scallop'
- Allium 'Millenium'
- Aquilegia Mix (Swan Pink & Yellow, Carol Ann)
- Artemisia 'Valerie Finnis'
- Aruncus dioicus/Goatsbeard
- Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potchke'
- Astilbe Variety (Deutschland/Ostrich Plume)
- Baptisia 'Lunar Eclipse'
- Becky' Shasta Daisy
- Bee Balm Mix (Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball, Coral Reef, Jacob Cline)
- Brunnera macrophylla 'Emerald Mist'
- Buddleia 'Grand Cascade'
- Cardinal Flower
- Caryopteris 'Pavilion Pink'
- Caryopteris Dark Knight
- Catmint 'Purrsian Blue'
- Clematis Variety
- Clethra 'Ruby Spice'
- Coneflower Varieties (Double Scoop/Sombrero)
- Coreopsis 'Zagreb'
- Euphorbia Polychroma
- Filipendula rubra (Queen of the Prairie)
- Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
- Heuchera Variety
- Hosta Variety
- Hydrangea 'Moon Rock'
- Hydrangea paniculata 'Skyfall'
- Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva'
- Hyssop 'Blue Fortune'
- Indian Summer' Rudbeckia
- Iris Variety (Bearded Iris)
- Iris x robusta 'Gerald Darby'
- Paeonia Variety (Karl Rosenfield/Sarah Bernhardt)
- Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash'
- Rose of Sharon White/Red Eye
- Salvia 'Caradonna'
- Tall Phlox Variety
Trees and Shrubs
- Skyrocket' Juniper
- Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold'
- Purple Leaf Sand Cherry
- Acer p. 'Emperor I'
- Acer p. 'Fireglow'
- Acer p. 'Sango kaku'
- Acer p. 'Ukigumo'
- Acer p. dissectum 'Tamukeyama'
- Acer p. dissectum 'Orangeola'
- Aesculus × carn. 'Briotii'
- Heptacodium miconioides
- Magnolia 'Sunsation'
- Yucca 'Color Guard'
- Hollywood Juniper
- Elderberry Variety
- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
- Shenandoah' Switch Grass
- Miscanthus Sinensis Purpurascens
- Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' (Hakone Grass)
- Overdam
- Indoor Succulents Mix
- Echeveria Mix (Ghost/Topsy Turvy)
- Aeonium Kiwi
- Sempervivum Mix ('Jade Rose', 'Black')
- Sedum Mix (Autumn Joy/Vera jameson)
- Mangave 'Pineapple Express' (Not Hardy/Houseplant)
- Hardy Succulents (Angelina/Blue Spruce)
- Crassula Ovata Mix
- Succulent Arrangements w/ Hand Made Containers
Own Root Roses (2/3 Year)
- Auscot (English Rose)
- Peggy Martin Cl.
- Ausmove Cl. (English Rose)
- Rosa 'Leonardo da Vinci'
- Rosa 'Perfume Delight'
- Rosa 'New Dawn' Cl.
- Rosa 'Madame Plantier'
- Austiger (English Rose)
- Potted Canna Mix
Perrydise Farm website: https://perrydisefarm.com
= Our Land Organics =
- Achillea Millefolium - Common Yarrow
- Andropogon gerardii - big bluestem
- Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly weed
- Aster nova-anglea 'Purple Dome' - New England aster
- Bouteloua Gracilis - grama grass
- Cheloni Lyonii 'Hot Lips' - Turtlehead
- Echinacea P. Powwow Wildberry - Purple coneflower
- Eryngium yuccifolium - Rattlesnake master
- Eurtrochium purpureum - Sweet Joe Pye
- Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal flower
- Monarda didyma 'Raspberry Wine' - Bee balm
- Penstemon digitalis "Blackbeard" - Foxglove Beardtongue
- Physostegia 'Pink Manners' - Obedient plant
- Solidago speciosa - Showy Goldenrod
- Vernonia fasciculata - Ironweed
- Veronicastrum virginicum - Culver's Root
Our Land Organics website: https://www.ourlandorganics.org/
= Bartlett Tree Experts =
Bartlett Tree Experts will be attending primarily as an educational resource, but will have the following species at their table. They are providing these plants for free, but a donation to the Arboretum is requested
- Lacebark Elm
- Swamp White Oak
- Redbud
- Purple Beautyberry
Bartlett Tree Experts website: https://www.bartlett.com
= Gro-4U =
Gro-4U specializes in rare, tropical, and unique houseplants, including:
- Aglaonema
- Alocasia
- Anthurium
- Hoya
- Monstera
- Philodendron
- Water Lily
- Plus carnivorous plants!!
Gro-4U website: https://gro-4u.com
= Blue Skies Bouquets =
Blue Skies Bouquets will be selling cut flower bouquets: wrapped for $12, or arranged in a jar for $17.
= Dendrological Sales =
• Acer palmatum "Beni Shichihenge"
• Acer palmatum "Pixie"
• Acer palmatum "Pung kil"
• Chamaecyparis obtusa "Fillicoides Compacta"
• Chamaecyparis obtusa "Gitte"
• Chamaecyparis obtusa "Kosteri"
• Chamaecyparis obtusa "Verkade's Golden"
• Ginkgo biloba "Elmwood" (Chub)
• Ginkgo biloba "Golden Arches" High Graft
• Ginkgo biloba "Queen City"
• Ginkgo biloba "Weeping Wonder"
• Metasequoia Gold Rush Dawn Redwood
• Metasequoia Gold Rush Dawn Redwood
• Metasequoia North Light Dawn Redwood
• Metasequoia "Seedling Selection"
• Picea abies "Tompa"
• Picea glauca "Blue Teardrop"
• Picea glauca "Echiniformis"
• Picea glauca "Duck Pond"
• Picea orientalis "Ferny Creek Prostrate"
• Pinus Densiflora "Cesarini Variegated"
• Pinus parviflora "Aoi"
• Pinus parviflora "Azuma Goyo"
• Pinus parviflora Gimborn's Ideal
• Pinus parviflora "Hagarumo" on standard
• Pinus strobus "Sea Urchin" on standard
• Pinus strobus "Tom Dirr"
• Pinus sylvestris "Gold Coin"
• Pinus thunbergii "Golden Bare "
• Thuja occidentalis "Brobeck Tower"
Dendrological Sales website: http://www.dendrologicalsales.com
= BC Nursery =
Due to time constraints, Chris is unable to provide a preview list of plants he will be bringing to the sale this year, but you can rest assured that beautiful, rare conifers and many other extremely difficult-to-source plants will be at the sale! If you are looking for something specific, browse his nursery list below, and if you find what you are looking for you can contact him to see if he can make sure it gets loaded.
The BC Nursery price list can be found here: https://bcnurseryohio.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/B.C.-Nursery-2024-Price-List.pdf
And the front page of their website is: https://bcnurseryohio.com
= Native Roots =
- Abelia 'Rose Creek'
- Anemone 'Red Riding Hood'
- Asclepias tuberosa
- Calamintha 'Blue Cloud'
- Polistichum acrostichoides
- Hakonechloa 'All Gold'
- Muhlenbergia 'White Cloud'
- Rudbeckia maxima
- Sempervivum 'Clairchin'
- Sporobolus heterolepis
- Artemisia 'Powis Castle'
- Aster 'Lady In Black'
- Aster 'Little Carlow'
- Carex 'Bunny Blue'
- Carex 'Evergold'
- Vernonia 'Iron Cross'
- Chionanthus pygmaeus
- Parrotia subequalis
- Passiflora incarnata
- Clematis virginiana
- Clematis 'Tranquilite'
- Clematis 'Stand By Me'
- Phlomis russelliana
- Schizachyrium 'Ha Ha Tonka'
- Silphium perfoliatum
- Verbascum 'Dark Eyes'
- Indigofera heterantha
- Cryptomeria 'Black Dragon'
- Wisteria 'Amethyst Falls'
For a complete Native Roots availability list at their nursery: https://nativerootscincy.com/product-category/all/
= Friends of Boone County Arboretum =
- Ajuga / bugleweed (x28)
- Aquilegia / columbine (x1)
- Brunnera (x7)
- Comfrey (x23)
- Daylily (x35)
- Epimedium (x5)
- Fern (x5)
- Geranium (x4)
- Grape Hyacinth (x44)
- Hardy Ageratum (x5)
- Hardy Begonia (x13)
- Hellebore (x7)
- Hosta (x20)
- Ice Ballet Carex (x10)
- Indigofera (x3)
- Jack in the pulpit (x6)
- Jewelweed (x2)
- Jindai Aster (x10)
- Monkey Grass (x78)
- Mountain Mint (x4)
- Obedient Plant (x5)
- Pulmoneria (x2)
- Rubus (x5)
- Spurge (x8)
Trees & Shrubs
- Bottlebrush Buckeye (x1)
- Copper Tree (x2) (Not winter hardy outside)
- Dogwood - Spring Grove (x10)
- Fig - Celeste (x8)
- Fig - Chicago Hardy (x6)
- Katsura (x2)
- Maple - Japanese (x2)
- Maple - Silver (x1)
- Rose of Sharon (x5)
- Vitex (x1)
= Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden =
- Asimina triloba / Paw Paw
- Betula alleghaniensis / Yellow Birch
- Callicarpa americana / American Beautyberry
- Cornus sericea / Red Twig Dogwood
- Euonymus atropurpureus / Eastern Wahoo
- Nyssa sylvatica / Black Gum, Black Tupelo
- Passiflora incarnata / Purple Passionflower
- Spiraea tomentosa / Steeplebush
- Staphylea trifolia / Bladdernut
- Styrax americanus f. Kankakee / American Snowbell (Kankakee form)
More plant lists will be added here, AND ON OUR FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE DISCUSSION TAB, when they are submitted to the Arboretum