Disambiguation: This page of donation options focuses specifically on the "Growing A Legacy" program at Boone County Arboretum. To make a general donation, please visit our General Donations page.
Thank you for your interest in our "Growing A Legacy" tribute and planned giving program. Our most commonly received gifts are for tribute plants and hardscape components. These have fixed amounts and are listed below. Each comes with a personalized engraved marker, perfect for recognizing a special person or occasion. Physical installation of new brick pavers happens only twice per year (late spring / late fall), to minimize the necessary disruption and resetting of existing pavers.
There are several other giving options that have variable amounts, such as include special garden areas and projects, sponsoring educational workshops, internship fellowships, endowment contributions, and so on. (If you are contributing as part of a group, just select "Add to group donation" and be sure to put the person being honored in the appropriate box. We will keep a running total for further coordination with the family.)
Regardless of whether the amount is set or variable, most of these donation options will require at least some degree of prior coordination with the Arboretum staff. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.