Abies balsamea

Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA

The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.

  • Abies balsamea subsp. phanerolepis // Canaan Fir, Bracted Balsam Fir, West Virginia Balsam Fir
    Tree. Grows to 45-75' tall and 20-25' wide, slow growth rate. Lives to 150 years. Species native to higher altitudes of North America. Male flowers yellow, catkin-like, female flowers red-purple. Fruits in erect cones, 2-4" long. Fall color not significant. Bark is broken up into small, reddish brown, irregular scaly plates. Prefers acid, well-drained soil, and is more shade tolerant than other firs. Susceptible to spruce budworm, woolly aphid and canker disease.