Acer capillipes
Japanese Striped-Bark Maple
Mature Size, Growth, Longevity
Average mature size of 30-35' tall. Round-headed tree, often branching close to the ground.
Native Range
From Japan.
Flower and Fruit Details
Flowers are greenish-white, 0.33 diameter occurring in slender 2.5-4" long pendulous racemes. Fruits are winged samaras, 0.75" long. The wings form a 120-180° angle.
Leaf and Bark Features
Leaves simple, 4-7" long, 3-5" wide, 3(5)-lobed, young leaves reddish maturing to dark green, glabrous above and below; gummy substances in axils of veins; petiole is 1.5-2.5" long, glabrous, channeled above, and reddish. Fall color may be yellow to red (bronze/brown), but is not spectacular. Bark on young branches is greenish to reddish brown with whitish stripes; the bark eventually becomes grayish brown and ridged and furrowed.
Culture and Care
Plant in full sun to part shade, prefers moist, well-drained soil. Zones 5-7.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Other Facts
Probably the most heat tolerant of the snakebark maples.
Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA
The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.
Acer capillipes // Japanese Striped-Bark Maple ("straight species")
-- not currently in our collection --