Acer pensylvanicum
Snake Bark Maple (Moosewood, Striped Maple, Whistlewood, Goosefoot maple)
Mature Size, Growth, Longevity
Average mature size of 15-20' tall and 15-20' wide in the landscape, to 30' or more in wild. Develops a broad, uneven, flat-topped or rounded crown. Often irregular and open. Slow growth rate under cultivation, medium or greater rate in native haunts.
Native Range
U.S. Native — Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to northern Georgia. Introduced 1755.
Flower and Fruit Details
Flowers are dioecious, yellow to yellow-green, in May, produced on pendulous, slender 4-6" long racemes, each 5-petaled flower is 0.33" diameter. Fruits are winged samaras, about 0.5-1" long, wings spreading at a wide angle, borne on a 1" long pedicel, on a 4-6" long raceme.
Leaf and Bark Features
Leaves opposite, simple, roundish obovate, 3-lobed at apex, 5-8" long and wide, pinkish tinged when unfolding, bright green at maturity; pubescent beneath when young, finally glabrous; petiole-1-3" long. Leaves change to vibrant yellow in autumn. Bark on young stems greenish-brown or reddish, soon becoming green and conspicuously marked by long, vertical, greenish white stripes. Old trunks lose the pronounced striping.
Culture and Care
Not easy to grow under cultivation. Prefers partially shaded woods; well-drained, cool, moist, slightly acidic soils. In its native range, it exists as an under story plant. Zones 3-7. Susceptible to several diseases including Anthracnose, several leaf spot diseases, powdery mildew, Verticillium wilt, several canker diseases Ganoderma rot, forest tent caterpillar, maple leaf cutter, box elder bug.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Other Facts
Can grow in typically inhospitable situations. Not good with heat and drought, bark is thin and subject to mower and weed-eater damage, plants appear to be susceptible to canker when under stress.
Suggested Uses
Use for naturalizing an area, perhaps as a specimen plant if proper conditions can be provided.
Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA
The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.
Acer pensylvanicum // Snake Bark Maple (Moosewood, Striped Maple, Whistlewood, Goosefoot maple) ("straight species")
-- not currently in our collection --