Crataegus viridis

Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA

The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.

  • Crataegus viridis 'Winter King' // Winter King Hawthorn
    Tree. Grows to 20-25' tall and 20-35' wide. Lovely rounded habit, almost vase shaped branching structure. Medium growth rate. White flower with pale yellow anthers, 0.75" diameter, borne in 2" diameter corymbs, mid-May. Fruits have good red color, at 0.5" diameter are larger than straight species, and persist into winter. Purple and scarlet fall colors. Bark is gray-green. Plant into well drained soil, pH adaptable, in full sun. Less susceptible to rust than other hawthorns.
    BT001560c - BT002690 - BT002700 - BT005240 - BT006130