Exochorda racemosa

Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA

The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.

  • Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii 'Wilsonii' // Redbud Pearlbush
    Shrub. Grows to 15' tall and 9-10' wide. Medium growth rate. No fall color. Perfect, white flowers, 5-petaled, 2" across, odorless. Borne 6-10 together in 3-5" long racemes at ends of short lateral stems from branches of previous year. Late March to early April. Spectacular flower but soon fades. Fruits are capsules, 5-valved, dehiscent, 0.33" wide, ripening in October and persisting, green to yellow-brown, then brown. Old branches develop scaly bark, colored gray, brown, or orange-brown, rather attractive. Transplant early spring into well-drained, acid, loamy soil, pH adaptable, in full sun to partial shade. Prune after flowering. Thrives with neglect. No serious diseases. Native to E. China, introduced 1949.
    Bed 99