Populus deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood
Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA
The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.
Populus deltoides // Eastern Cottonwood ("straight species")
BT002079Populus deltoides 'Colmar' // Colmar Eastern Cottonwood
Tree. Grows to 75-100' tall and 50-75' wide, rate 4-5' per year. Short-lived: trees over 70 years deteriorate rapidly. Flowers slender drooping catkins, up to 4" long, sheds abundant pollen March-April before leaves emerge. Male cottonless form, no fruit. Fall color yellow. Bark ash-grey, thick, flattened or rounded ridges separated by deep fissures. Easily transplanted. Prefers moist soil, tolerates dry soil. Resistant to leaf diseases. Native Quebec to North Dakota, Texas, Florida. Introduced 1750. Introduced 1750.
BT006980Populus deltoides 'Skywalker' // Skywalker Eastern Cottonwood
Tree. Grows to 50-60' tall and 8-10' wide. Spire-like growth habit. Use as a screen. Disease resistant, is an alternative to the disease-ridden Lombardy poplar. This cultivar may be confused with the similar cultivar 'Sparks.'
BT007260 - BT007270 - BT007280Populus deltoides var. Newport // Eastern Cottonwood (Newport, KY Provenance)