Prunus virginiana
Choke Cherry
Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA
The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.
Prunus virginiana // Chokecherry ("straight species")
BT002117Prunus virginiana 'Schubert' // Schubert Choke Cherry
Tree. Grows to 20-30' tall and 18-25' wide, pyramidal habit with dense foliage. Fast growth rate. Medium longevity. White flowers, 0.33" across, late April, in 3-6" long and 1" wide racemes. Fruit are round, red turning to dark purple, 0.33" across. Fruit used for jams, jellies, pies, sauces, wine. Simple leaves, alternately arranged, closely serrated, dark green above. Reddish-purple fall color. Prefers acidic, moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Tolerates some shade, drought and heat resistant. Zones 2-6. Native Newfoundland to North Dakota, south to North Carolina and Kansas, introduced 1724.