Pyrus calleryana
Callery (Ornamental) Pear
Mature Size, Growth, Longevity
Average mature size of 30-50' tall and 20-35' wide. Moderately pyramidal in youth, broadening with time. Fast growth rate. Can live long periods of time if in the correct environment. However, as the tree reaches maturity, the many weak branch attachments have a tendancy to break apart.
Native Range
Species native to Korea, Japan, China.
Flower and Fruit Details
Flowers are white, 0.375-0.75" across, borne in 3" diameter corymbs before or with the leaves. In full bloom for a week in March or April. The somewhat unpleasant odor becomes more noticable when several of the trees are close together. Fruits are small rounded pomes, 0.5" or less across, russet, dotted, hidden by the foliage, not ornamentally effective. Usually present in great quantities, seedlings readilly invade unmaintained fields and road sides.
Leaf and Bark Features
Leaves are alternate, simple, broad to ovate, 1.5-3" long, about as wide, rarely elliptic-ovate, short acuminate, rounded, broad-cuneate, subcordate or truncate at base, crenate, usually quite glabrous, leathery, lustrous dark green; petiole-1-1.5" long. Depending on the cultivar and individual conditions, fall color usually reddish purple, but can be yellow to red. Bark is lustrous brown in youth, lightly ridged and furrowed and grayish-brown at maturity. Often develops horizontal checks with age, creating a somewhat blocky appearance.
Culture and Care
Prefers moist soil, tolerates wet and dry spells, pH adaptable, in full sun. Tolerates polution. Easy to transplant in late winter or early spring. Zones 5-8(9). Basically free of pests, although fireblight can sometimes be a problem in stressful conditions.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Other Facts
A highly fertile seed crop makes it very invasive, creating 'pear forests' in old fields. Over-planted across the US for its uniform shape and dense flowering, but as it ages the tree can literally split in half when weak branch attachments fail.
Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA
The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.
Pyrus calleryana // Callery (Ornamental) Pear ("straight species")
-- not currently in our collection --Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' // Aristocrat Callery (Ornamental) Pear
Tree. Oval to broadly pyramidal, average size 40-45' tall, 20-25' wide, central leader may be lost with time. Yellow-to-red variable fall color. This cultivar, selected in 1969 in Independence, KY, has stronger branch attachments and thus fewer branch failures.
-- not currently in our collection --Pyrus calleryana 'Cleveland Select' // Cleveland Select Callery (Ornamental) Pear
Tree. Narrow, upright-pyramidal, average size 35' tall and 16' wide. Scarlet-to-purple variable fall color. Relatively good fireblight resistance.
-- not currently in our collection --