Quercus shumardii
Shumard Oak
Mature Size, Growth, Longevity
Average mature size of 60-80' tall and 40-50' wide. Pyramidal when young, rounded, oval-rounded when mature. Rapid growth rate. Long lived.
Native Range
Eastern and central USA.
Flower and Fruit Details
Flowers are pendulous yellow-green catkins, occurring in May. Fruits are acorns, striated with black and brown lines.
Leaf and Bark Features
Leaves are alternate, 7 (or 9) lobes, dark green. Orange to red fall color. Bark is gray-brown, older stems have onion like sheath.
Culture and Care
Easily transplanted for an oak. Prefers moist, well-drained soil in full sun, pH adaptable. Tolerant of drought and urban conditions. Zone 5. Oak wilt will kill tree, mites, root rot, scale, borers, brown felt fungus.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Other Facts
Fruit and flowers can be messy.
Suggested Uses
Use in large area as specimen or in a buffer strip.