Plants of the Taxus Genus at BCA

The following species and varieties are currently (or recently were) in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. This list is certainly not exhaustive -- additional taxa may be available in the trade, or may have been removed from our collection and thus removed from this list. To include taxa that are no longer present, go to this other list.


Taxus baccata

English Yew; Irish Yew
A long-lived, large, broad-needled, evergreen shrub or medium-large tree (if not pruned back), very shade tolerant, but requiring excellent drainage.
  • Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' // English Yew; Irish Yew


Taxus cuspidata

Japanese Yew
A long-lived, large, broad-needled, evergreen shrub or medium-large tree (if not sheared back), very shade tolerant, but requiring excellent drainage.
  • Taxus cuspidata 'Adams' // Adams Japanese Yew
  • Taxus cuspidata 'Capitata' // Capitata Japanese Yew


Taxus x media

Anglojap Yew
A long-lived, broad-pyramidal, evergreen shrub or small tree (if not sheared back), very shade tolerant, but requiring excellent drainage.
  • Taxus x media 'Chadwickii' // Chadwick Anglojap Yew
  • Taxus x media 'Hicksii' // Hick's Anglojap Yew
  • Taxus x media 'Runyan' // Runyan Anglojap Yew