Pinus rigida
Pitch Pine
Mature Size, Growth, Longevity
Grows to 40-60' tall and 30-50' wide in the landscape, to 100' in the wild. Open, irregular, pyramidal shape when young, later more globular, gnarled and irregular. Much diversity in form, habit and development, often controlled by its environment. Medium rate of growth, slows as it ages. Relatively short genetic longevity for a tree, maturing at 60-90 years, and not exceeding 150 years.
Native Range
Kentucky Native — Native to Eastern North America in sandy uplands, from New Brunswick to Georgia, west to Ontario and eastern Kentucky. Introduced before 1759.
Flower and Fruit Details
Monoecious flowers, yellowish or rose colored. Fruits in cones, produced at an early age, in whorls of 3-5. Each cone 2-3" long and 1-1.5" wide, ovoid-conical, light brown becoming silvery-gray to black, remaining on tree for 2 or more years.
Leaf and Bark Features
Evergreen: Needles in 3s, 3-5" long, curved, pointed, rigid, yellow-green to dark green, needle sheaths to 0.5" long. Branch stems are ridged. Dark, scaly bark of youth becomes thick and smoother, with brownish-yellow flat plats separated by narrow, irregular fissures. Sometimes, bark is reddish-brown, becoming nearly black.
Culture and Care
Prefers a light, sandy, acid, moist, well-drained soil, but survives on most sites. Grows in very acid soils, pH 4.6-6.5. Tolerant of drought, heat, salt, sandy soils and lightning. Avoid compacted soil and heavy shade. Will not stand flooding. Zones 4-7. Susceptible to various diseases, including rusts and needle blight. Insects include tip moth and pine sawflies. Susceptible to snow and ice damage.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Other Facts
Survives well on very tough sites, including strip-mined areas and rocky soils. Good wildlife value. 4-season interest: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. Not especially ornamental. Cones produce seeds for songbirds.
Suggested Uses
Not highly ornamental, but excellent for poor soils and tough sites. Very drought tolerant.
Taxa and Plants of this Species at BCA
The following taxa are (or were) represented in the collections at Boone County Arboretum. Additional taxa may be available in the trade that are not included here.
Pinus rigida // Pitch Pine ("straight species")