Plants of the Hamamelidaceae Family at BCA
Genus: Hamamelis
Hamamelis ovalis
Big Leaf WitchhazelA newly discovered, cold-hardy, southern species of witchhazel with red flowers.- Hamamelis ovalis // Big Leaf Witchhazel ("straight species")
Hamamelis virginiana
Common Witchhazel- Hamamelis virginiana // Common Witchhazel ("straight species")
Hamamelis x intermedia
Hybrid WitchhazelThis represents a group of hybrid witchhazels, large deciduous shrubs with fragrant, winter blooms and good fall color.- Hamamelis x intermedia // Hybrid Witchhazel ("straight species")
- Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' // Arnold Promise Witchhazel
- Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise (std)' // Arnold Promise Witchhazel - Tree form
- Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' // Diane Witchhazel
- Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena (std)' // Jelena Witchhazel - Tree form
Genus: Liquidambar
Liquidambar acalycina
Chinese SweetgumAn uncommon, deciduous tree that makes a good shade tree, w/ reddish-maroon new leaves in spring, changing to green, then burgundy in the fall.- Liquidambar acalycina 'Burgundy Flush' // Burgundy Flush Chinese Sweetgum
Liquidambar styraciflua
American SweetgumA large, adaptable, deciduous tree w/ mace-like, "gum-ball" fruits & excellent fall color.- Liquidambar styraciflua // American Sweetgum ("straight species")
- Liquidambar styraciflua 'Moraine' // Moraine Sweet Gum
- Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' // Roundleaf Sweetgum
- Liquidambar styraciflua 'Silver King' // Silver King Sweetgum
- Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' // Slender Silhouette Sweetgum
Genus: Parrotia
Parrotia persica
Persian Parrotia, Persian Ironwood, Persian IrontreeOne of the best small specimen deciduous trees, with interesting, exfoliating bark and excellent fall color and pest resistance.- Parrotia persica // Persian Parrotia, Persian Ironwood, Persian Irontree ("straight species")
- Parrotia persica 'Ruby Vase' // Ruby Vase Persian Parrotia
Parrotia subaequalis
Chinese ParrotiaAn excellent small specimen deciduous tree, with interesting, exfoliating bark and excellent fall color and pest resistance.- Parrotia subaequalis // Chinese Parrotia ("straight species")